Why should you protect yourself from the sun in the mountains?
Winter in the mountains, it is essential to protect your face with sunscreen to avoid sunburn. In this article you will know everything about sun protection to adopt in the mountains.
As a reminder, there are two types of UV which reach the surface of the earth, the UVA and the UVB: the UVA, are emitted with the same intensity throughout the year, they are not they responsible for tanning , however, they can cause skin cancer development, hence the interest in protecting it all year round.
UVBs are particularly intense in summer, especially around 12 noon. These rays are responsible for sunburns and tanning and can also cause skin cancer. In winter, it is not necessary to protect yourself except in the mountains.
Protect yourself from UV at altitude
Different factors make protection against UVA and essential UVBs in the mountains during the winter:
Altitude: UVA and UVB are partly retained by the atmosphere. However, the more altitude we go up, the more the atmospheric layers decrease. Thus the UVBs which were completely retained are no longer. To give a figure, every 1,000m of elevation, the amount of UV to which we expose ourselves is 10 times greater!
The reverberation : The snow, although very beautiful, is also our enemy in front of UV because it acts like a mirror that returns the rays! Indeed, it reverberates UV rays up to 80%! In addition, we do not have the impression of having sunburn because we do not smell heat on our skin. This is normal since the heat of the sun is distinct from the intensity of UV rays. In other words, it is not because the sun does not heat that we do not risk having sunburn!
Source : solar security
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