The skin facing the sun
The sun causes many skin reactions: tanning, sunburns, skin aging
Tanning, although perceived as a sign of beauty and trend in today's society, is in reality only a mechanism for the defense of the skin attacked by the sun.
When the UV rays reach the skin, they create damage to the cell levels of the corneal layer. To prevent these damage from reaching the deeper layers, two reactions occur: the keratinocytes of the corneal layer multiply leading to thickening of the skin, which is a first protective barrier against UV. These cells send messages to melanocytes from the basal layer that react by producing a protective pigment called melanin. This is the famous pigment responsible for the brownish coloring of the skin.
However, this protection is not effective enough since it retains only 67 to 80% of UV rays, unlike a sunscreen which can retain more than 98% of the shelves.
Tanning and sunburn vary depending on the skin type type. Here is a summary table to determine your skin type.
A sunburn is a burn that destroys thousands of epidermis cells as a result of an exposure too intense to UVB. The burns caused by a sunburn are more or less serious:
First degree burn: Appears within 6-24 hours of exposure. It is characterized by redness of the skinless skin. There is no consequence on the skin.
Burn in the second superficial degree: appears instantly during the exhibition or in the next hour. It is characterized by painful blisters. After disappearing from blisters, the burn leaves dark spots that take time to disappear.
Burn in the second deep degree: appears immediately. It is characterized by non -painful blisters because the nerve endings have been destroyed. After disappearing from blisters, scars can stay over time.
Benign summer lucite
A slightly barbaric name for a very common reaction that you did not necessarily think due to the sun. The benign summer lucite is characterized by an eruption of small pimples and red plates which generate a itching. It is caused by the UVA during the first sun exhibitions.
Skin aging
Skin aging following a chronic sun exposure has a name, it is Heliodermie. Rather sweet as a name, right? Over the years, the skin is more and more exposed to the sun generating a premature alteration of the skin which is characterized in several ways.
Skin cancer
The most harmful consequence for the body resulting from sun exposure is the skin cancer. According to the Foundation for Medical Research (FRM).
Vitamin D production
Exposure to the sun does not only have harmful effects for the skin, if you remain reasonable of course! During exposure to the sun, an essential vitamin is produced to maintain healthy bones and teeth; This is vitamin D. The production of this vitamin is carried out during a short exposure to the sun. In general, it is enough to expose yourself daily between 10-15 min around 12 noon (without excess which could become dangerous).
My day protects young and old from the harmful effects of the sun
The solar stick & THE solar spray My day effectively protect children, parents and pregnant women from the harmful effects of the sun. With their SPF50 and 50+, solar products have the highest protection against existing UVA & UVB.
The Monjour team
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