How to manage the first nights with a newborn baby?
The arrival of a newborn baby is a moment of great joy, but it can also be accompanied by short nights and a lot of concerns for new parents. The first nights with a baby can be particularly trying, because it is a question of adapting to a brand new rhythm of life. Here are some tips to help you manage this delicate period and establish healthy sleep habits for your baby and yourself.
Understand the sleep of the newborn
Newborns have a very different sleep cycle from that of adults. In general, they sleep between 14 and 17 hours a day, but out of slices from two to four hours. Their sleep is divided into phases of light sleep and deep sleep, and they spend more time in light sleep, which makes them more likely to wake up easily.
Advice to manage the first nights
1. Create a safe and comfortable sleep environment
Make sure your little treasure bed is comfortable and secure. For the room, maintain a comfortable room temperature, between 20 and 22 degrees. Use a sifted light at night so as not to stimulate your baby too much when waking up and place your baby on your back to sleep. Avoid thick covers and objects that could obstruct your breathing.
2. Establish a soothing routine before bedtime
A soothing routine before bedtime can help your baby understand that the time to sleep is approaching. This routine may include:
A warm bath
A massage with our magic massage oil
A feeding or a bottle Elhée
A lullaby or a story
3. Breastfeeding and night food
Newborns need to eat frequently, including night. Try to stay calm and relaxed during night feedings. Use soft light and limit stimulation to help your baby go back to sleep more easily after feeding.
4. Share responsibilities
If possible, share night awakenings with your partner. This can help reduce fatigue and stress. If you are breastfeeding, your partner can take care of the change of layer or comfort your newborn before or after the meal.
5. Sleep when your baby sleeps
Take advantage of the moments when your baby sleeps to rest too. It may be tempting to want to take advantage of these moments to do household chores, but your rest is essential to be able to take care of your toddler.
6. Be patient and flexible
The first nights can be difficult, but it is important to remain patient and flexible. Each baby is different and will find their own sleep rhythm over time. Do not put too much pressure yourself and accept that this adaptation period is temporary.
7. Ask for help if necessary
Do not hesitate to ask for help from your family or friends. Having support can make a big difference in the first weeks. If you feel extreme fatigue or signs of postpartum depression, consult a health professional.
Managing the first nights with a newborn can be a real challenge, but with a little preparation and a lot of patience, you will find strategies that will work for you and your baby. Remember that this adaptation period is temporary and that you will end up finding a more stable rhythm. In the meantime, take care of yourself and enjoy every moment with your newborn, even those spent in the middle of the night.
The Monjour team
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